Phillip, who's almost 4, talks all day, every day and questions
everything! I thought I would give you a little glimpse into my life. Here's the background...It's lunchtime today. I normally give the boys their vegetables first so they can be eating them while I'm fixing their sandwiches. I give Andrew his in a little suction cup bowl because it's easier for him to eat them this way. Phillip gets his on his plate. They have to have eaten at least half of the vegetable (today, it was peas) before they get some PB & J (because this is the most coveted part of lunch, by far).
So, the conversation goes something like this -
Phillip: "Where's Andrew's bowl?"
Me: "I took it."
P: "You
took it?"
M: "Yes, I took it off his tray."
P: "You took it off his
tray?!?" (Totally incredulous, like I told him we were flying to the moon.)
M: "Yes, he finished his peas so I took his bowl off his tray so he wouldn't play with it."

P: "Oh." Slight pause "Andrew finished his
M: "Yes, he finished his peas."
P: "He finished his peas like a good boy?"
M: "Yes, he finished his peas like a good boy."
P: "I'm not a good boy?" (All sad like his dog just died!)
M: "Yes, you are a good boy, but have you finished your peas?"
P: "No."
M: "Well, eat up."
And on and on and on. That child can turn any sentence or even a thought into a question. And the questions just keep coming, once one topic is exhausted (about 3 questions past when it should be), he just moved on to the next one. I just keep chanting to myself, "he's learning, he's supposed to be curious, it would be bad if he wasn't talking"
See ya later alligator...