Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Andrew Running the 100m

Andrew was inspired by watching Usain Bolt break the world record in the 100m and wanted to trty it himself! He did it 3 times, adding a lap each time and made me record it every time!

See ya later alligator...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Time To Go Bowling

Andrew: "It's time to go bowling."
Me: "What?"
Andrew: "Mommy, it's time to go bowling. My watch (pointing to the Buzz Lightyear compass he's wearing on his wrist) says it's time to go bowling."
Me: "Okay."
Andrew: "Phillip, we got to go bowling."
Phillip: "In just a minute, okay?" (Wonder where he got that line from??)
Andrew: "Okay."

Then on to the next thing as the attention span on the bowling thing comes to an end (until big brother reminds him that it's time to go bowling!).

Andrew: (5 minutes later) Mommy, I thought you were going bowling with us!"

These two boys are crazy! See ya later alligator...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Big Brother vs. Little Brother

We were hanging out this morning and Phillip asked if we could play Cootie. The last time we tried to play with Andrew, he got upset when he didn't roll the numbers he needed and he quit halfway through the game, so I told Phillip that Andrew wasn't quite old enough to play with us yet and if we started playing, he would definitely want to join us, so we would play it later when we were by ourselves. Phillip walks over to Andrew and says,
"Andrew, do you want to go sleep more?"
HA! Nice try big brother, but the offer of sleep is not going to entice your little brother to leave you alone to play a game with mom!

See ya later alligator...