Back at the end of April, we all packed up and went strawberry picking. We went with some of our friends from MOPS, which made it all the more fun. There's quite a few pictures here, I'm sorry, but I just couldn't narrow it down even more, they were all so cute.
First, here's Phillip, who I would describe as a very careful strawberry picker, making sure he didn't get any bad ones. He finally did eat a few, but was very careful not to eat any of the husk. He did great at picking and gathering though.

And, here's Andrew. I would describe him as a strawberry eating machine! He picked and collected maybe 3 strawberries, then went down the row picking and eating as fast as he could. He was eating every kind of strawberry, mushy, perfectly ripe, still white, didn't matter to him. He was often seen with one in his mouth and one in each hand.

(Thanks to my friend Madeline for this great picture, it's one of my favorites!)

And, finally, here's a few with both boys and a few with all 3 of us. It's nice to actually be in a picture for once.
(That's our friend Emma off to the left.)

This is Riley, Phillip, Alex, and Andrew. They're great friends because we always hang out together. Riley and Alex's mommy is Madeline, who took this awesome picture where they are all actually looking at the camera and smiling!

And one of the highlights was the tractors and animals.

We'd invite you over for some strawberry shortcake, but those strawberries are long gone! Between Phillip, Andrew, and Chris they only lasted 2 days! We had fun and we hope you enjoyed looking at our pictures.
See ya later alligator...