On our way to and from church, we drive parallel to some train tracks for several miles. The highlight of the boys' days is if we get to see an engine. It's a bonus if the engine is actually moving! So, every time we approach the train tracks they start asking if there is an engine.
Last night as we were leaving church, there were 5 engines in a row pulling a very long train. It was very exciting! After they looked and exclaimed for a few minutes, Phillip asked if there were any more engines. I said, "Phillip, we just saw 5 engines! We've never seen that many before. I doubt there will ever be more than that at one time again." He didn't say anything else, so I thought that was the end of it. A few minutes later he says,
"Well, there could be six!"
That little smart alek, at least he knows his numbers and how to count!
See ya later alligator...
Boys will be boys! Always wanting more! Cute story.
Hi Jen,
I saw your blog address on an email you sent. Your boys are cute! I love the pictures you have on here. My youngest, Isaiah, loves trains too. Yesterday we got taught by the train at the light right before church. Fortunately for me the train back up (it was going super slow!), but for Isaiah he was devastated! He wanted to see the train go by. Thanks for sharing.
Love in Christ,
Jennifer ><>
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