Phillip got a Spider-Man costume for his birthday. It's just been sitting around and he hasn't really mentioned it...until today. He woke up from his nap asking if he could put on his Spider-Man costume, so he put it on.
Soon after, Andrew woke up from his nap. When I came walking out of his room holding him, Phillip was standing there in his costume. Andrew's face was priceless! He was really scared, he let out this little wimper and couldn't stop staring. I said that it was just Phillip in a costume. He said, "Oh.", but I don't think he really believed me. Then Phillip said, "It's just me, Phillip." and Andrew was still staring. Then, Phillip lifted the face mask and showed him and he got this big smile and said, "Oh." again.
Then, when I laid Andrew down to change his diaper, he kept saying that he was Spider-Man and I said, "No, Phillip is Spider-Man." So, I asked Phillip if he wanted to be Spider-Man for Halloween and he said that he did. So, I said to Andrew, "Well,

Phillip is going to be Spider-Man, so how about you being Super Man?" He said, without hesitation, "Yeah! I'm Super Man!" He then went running out of his room like he was some sort of super hero. I think he thought that meant there would be a costume for him too! Considering the child doesn't even know who Super Man is, he was pretty darn excited! I wonder if these choices will hold up for Halloween or not?!?