Phillip is now 4!!! That is totally unbelievable (at least to me!). He actually turned 4 on May 24th, but his party wasn't until the 31st, so that's when we celebrated. When we first started talking about his birthday a few months ago, he told me he wanted to go bowling for his party. Ironically, the child has never been bowling in his life. But, he's been saying that's what he wanted to do ever since I first asked him, so that's what we did. We invited 10 of his closest friends to come to the bowling alley and celebrate with us.
And we all had a blast!!
And we all had a blast!!

He was also very specific in that he wanted a "Spider-Man cake with icing and 4 candles, balloons, and decorations" at his party, so he got that as well. My friend Madeline made this awesome Spider-Man cake, isn't it fabulous?!? Thanks again Madeline!

Here's Phillip blowing out his 4 candles, which he'd been practicing all weekend. That's our friend Wesley to the right just helping him out a little! And that's Wesley's mama, Nancy, holding his arm and trying desperately to get her child out of there before he blew them out himself.
(Don't worry Nancy, I don't think Phillip even noticed he had a little help!)

And now, how about a trip down Birthday Memory Lane...
Here's Phillip on his 3rd Birthday at Pump It Up, what a big boy he is!!

Here's Phillip on his 2nd Birthday, we celebrated at home that year.
Can you tell how much he loves cake?!?
Here is Phillip turning 1 at Frank Brown Park. We're very lucky that this catastrophic cake event did not traumatize him on birthdays and cake for the rest of his life. Mommy did a very poor job of planning the party and decided to have it during nap time, not a smart idea. He was upset from the second we put him in his high chair, we had to force him to even touch the cake. And he continued to be upset until we got him out of there. Best laid plans...
Here is Phillip on his Birth Day at the hospital. What a sweet boy he is!!
Happy Birthday, Phillip!
I love the trip down Birthday Memory Lane!! That's a neat idea.
Thanks Jennifer! I don't want to take credit for an idea when it wasn't mine (no matter how much I'd like to!), so I'll tell you that I stole the "Birthday Memory Lane" from Susan. I also thought it was a great idea, thanks Susan!
Great idea putting all his birthdays on the post (good idea, Susan too). I might have to steal that this year!
I need one of those bowling things. I might actually knock some pins down!
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