We're at the dinner table talking and I mention to Chris that Phillip's school is selling cookie dough. Phillip's ears immediately perk up and he starts trying to interrupt Chris and I talking. When we finally acknowledge him, he says, "Why did you say cookie dough?"
So I explained that his school was selling cookie dough. (If you're interested in buying some, let me know!)
He, of course, asked why.
I told him it was so he could make money.
"So, I can make money to buy a
camper?" Phillip asks incredulously.

(Note: Phillip has been obsessed with campers lately and really wants us to buy one, even though we've told him numerous times that they cost too much and we don't have that much money. He thinks we do because he sees the dish full of coins on Chris' night table!)
Of course, Chris and I burst out laughing. Then I had to explain to Phillip that everyone at the school sells it so the school can make money to buy new things for the school.
He seemed satisfied by this answer, but very disappointed.
See ya later alligator...
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