Up until now Andrew has been eating in his high chair. He's still pulled up to the table, but it keeps him completely restrained and the tray helps curb the messiness (at least a little bit!). A couple of weeks ago, he started running and trying to get in Phillip's booster chair and letting us know pretty clearly (like pitching a fit when we'd put him in his high chair) that it was time to move him up. It's always hard when they physically move from something 'baby' to something more grown up. And it would be so nice just to keep them where they are...This booster chair think is such a nightmare, Andrew is one big giant mess at every meal. The compete opposite of his brother! But, I'm learning to deal - slowly, but surely. Here's a few pictures of the big boy.

To be honest, this is actually the booster chair that Phillip has been sitting in since we moved him to one. We bought a nice, new one for Andrew, but the waist strap wouldn't fit around his waist!! And the child absolutely has to be restrained during meals, so he gets to use Phillip's old one and Phillip got the new one since he doesn't need to be strapped in anymore.
See ya later alligator...
Milestones...we love them and hate them at the same time! We want them to grow up but can't they stay little a bit longer? We're about to move Sara into a toddler bed from the crib and I'm DREADING it! No more naptime solice for Mommy! Guess I'll have to deal too!
*sniff sniff* Our babies are growing up so fast! It's hard when our children grow out of things that are clearly baby things and they're moving into the what would constitute as "big boy" or "big girl" stuff. I wish they could stay as babies for a bit longer. But at the same time, I'm enjoying my time with my children at the age they are. It's so much fun when they can enjoy bigger things like rides at theme parks, go camping & fishing, and they show you how much they have learned at school.
Ah, I know all about the value of restraints!
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