Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'll Shoot You Up

What is up with boy's obsessions with guns?!? Having done nothing to promote guns or shooting in my house, my 4 year old is currently building a 'fire shooter' out of colored lacing beads. What's up with that? Why did he decide that's what he was building?

After telling his 2 year old brother that's what he was building, Andrew got a play rolling pin from the kitchen and started 'shooting' Phillip, with sounds and everything. So, Phillip took one of the beads and started 'shooting' back, again with sounds (which are much better than Andrew's, BTW).

I just don't understand...I guess I just don't have enough testosterone.

See ya later alligator...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha :) Right with you on this one! We didn't promote guns or fighting in our house either, but some how the boys picked it up. It must be an ingrained gene down deep somewhere where we can't get to it...even with all we do as parents not to promote such role playing.