Friday, March 14, 2008

The Characters

Hi. Welcome to our blog. We appreciate you stopping by and taking a look around. Let me introduce you to the characters in our little drama.

Chris - My sweet, wonderful husband of almost 10 years. He's an engineer who works for the Navy. He enjoys rough-housing with the boys, playing golf, and surfing the net.

Phillip - My firstborn son, he's now 3 1/2. He's currently into Spider-Man, Mickey Mouse, and all things Cars. He loves hitting golf balls with his Daddy and playing baseball.

Andrew - My second-born, he just turned 2. He talks up storm, only about half of which we actually understand, and is currently figuring out how to jump. He's into eating and everything his big brother is.

Fudge - Our 7 year old, male chocolate lab.

Brownie - She's Fudge's litter mate, also a chocolate lab.

All three of the men in my family could definitely be described as instigators. But, that's only part of the story of the title of this blog. You see, Chris & I are alumni of the University of Florida. Their mascot (in case you don't know...) is the Gator. So, you see, we tried to do a little play on words there. I do want to give credit where credit is due and thank my friend Susan for thinking up this very appropriate title. Believe me, I've been agonizing over the title of this thing for weeks now. Hope you can appreciate our little pun.

That's it for our first post. We hope to see you back here soon. See ya later alligator...

1 comment:

Susan said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love the pictures of the "cast of characters" going down the right side. You'll have to tell me how you did that!